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© 2012-2024 Isokinetic Medical Group Srl
P.Iva 03740671205 – Cap. Soc. Int. Vers. Euro 10.400 – Reg. Imp. n.03696800378 – R.E.A. n.309376
Da oltre 37 anni poniamo al centro della nostra attività un intenso lavoro di ricerca e aggiornamento, seguendo oltre sedicimila pazienti all’anno e basandoci sul lavoro di squadra di oltre duecento persone fra medici e rieducatori, personale amministrativo e direzione.
Il network Isokinetic è composto da centri privati di riabilitazione sportiva e ortopedica, non convenzionati con il Sistema Sanitario Nazionale perchè adottano programmi riabilitativi personalizzati a seconda delle esigenze del singolo paziente.
Affidati a un nostro medico per una Visita Specialistica, approfondisci, al bisogno, con ulteriori Esami Diagnostici, sedute di Chiropratica e Test Funzionali. Inizia il tuo percorso di riabilitazione nei nostri ambienti di Piscina, Palestra, Green Room e Campo
Complete functional recovery after ankle sprain has been previously overlooked and patients come back at high risk of recurrence, with incomplete RTP process. 🚨
This is the Isokinetic Medical Group proposal to optimize the rehabilitation path after ankle sprains in athletes: 🏃♂️
Understand the injury mechanism and patterns 🔬
Careful clinical evaluation and prompt diagnosis. Exclude fractures is massively important 🔍
Possible indications for surgery (more frequent in high level athletes) ⚕️
Early > Mid > Late stage ⏳
Criteria based progression based on objective testing 📊
Biomechanical testing to evaluate inter-limb and intra-limb compensations 🦿
Solve compensatory strategies with targeted neuromuscular training 💪
Sport specific – GPS tracked - on field rehabilitation to fully complete the path 📱🎯
📊 Assessment Time
Your progress speaks through numbers 📈. Each test is a snapshot of your journey 🎯, measuring how far you`ve come 💫. Let`s celebrate every improvement.🎉
📊Tempo di valutazione
I tuoi progressi parlano attraverso i numeri 📈. Ogni test è un`istantanea del tuo viaggio 🎯che misura quanto sei arrivato lontano 💫. Festeggiamo ogni miglioramento.🎉
Isokinetic Medical Group Ideal Path for non-specific Low Back Pain, a very common condition that needs to be reversed as soon as possible to avoid chronic problems.
Each protocol needs to be personalized to the patient’s needs, but should follow an ideal framework of early, mid and late-stage rehabilitation to maximize the possibilities of a complete return to sport and daily activities 🎯
Our approach on LBP patients is based on a few principles ✨:
- Careful initial medical consultation (and optional imaging) and repeated control consultations along the path 👨⚕️
- Use of functional patient reported outcomes as the Roland Morris Scale (to be repeated at every follow up consultation) 📊
-🔍 Focus on pain management and functional recovery
-🌊🏋️♂️🌿⚽️ Rehabilitation sessions to be carried out in different spaces progressively (Pool > Gym > Green Room > Field)
-🧠 Focus on resolution of Kinesiophobia (typical of the LBP patient)
-💪 Muscle strength and core stability to improve shock absorption through active muscle contraction
-❤️ Aerobic exercises and threshold test to increase general fitness and health
-🔄 Postural analysis (modified movement analysis test) and targeted neuromuscular training
-🎯 Sports specific On Field Rehabilitation when needed
A complete and comprehensive approach to LBP in active patients.✨
© 2012-2024 Isokinetic Medical Group Srl
P.Iva 03740671205 – Cap. Soc. Int. Vers. Euro 10.400 – Reg. Imp. n.03696800378 – R.E.A. n.309376