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© 2012-2024 Isokinetic Medical Group Srl
P.Iva 03740671205 – Cap. Soc. Int. Vers. Euro 10.400 – Reg. Imp. n.03696800378 – R.E.A. n.309376

Ankle sprains are among the most common types of injuries reported by both, the general and athletic (professional and recreational) population. These types of injuries can significantly vary depending on the injury mechanism, often resulting in ligament injuries. Ankle ligament injuries are typically reported due to an excessive inward or outward twist motion of the ankle, that exceeds the structural capacity of the ligaments that are supposed to prevent that motion. Different grades of ankle sprains exist and are typically classified on a three-grade scale, with grade I resulting in microscopic tears of the stabilising ligaments, grade II partial tears, and grade III complete tears of multiple ligaments (potentially involving the syndesmosis) and leading to high levels of instability. In case of a more severe ankle sprain, examination through an X-ray scan can be recommended to assess the bone status. Among subjects who have suffered ankle sprain injuries, significant symptom variability, strongly associated with the amount and extent of the damages reported to the involved ligaments and structures, can be noticed. Low injury grades typically result in mild pain levels, minimal swelling, preserved stability, and maintained ankle functioning. On the other hand, patients with higher grades of ankle sprain usually report severe pain, bruise, swelling, and significantly impacted functioning.
Ankle sprains are typically managed conservatively, with a surgical approach usually reserved for higher injury grades with significant symptomatology and instability. Immediately after the injury, a period of deload, in combination with the use of modalities and patient education strategies (e.g.: protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation), to decrease the inflammatory status and facilitate the healing process, is usually recommended. Despite being often considered as “simple” injuries due to a multitude of patients recovering without implementing an extended period of rehabilitation, the rate of potential long-term consequences, including reduced functioning and instability, is of concern. After an ankle injury, our suggestion is to promptly seek medical attention from a specialised facility that can provide you with an accurate diagnosis, and a specific rehabilitation plan based on your condition. In Isokinetic, after the first consultation with one of our experienced doctors, depending on the specifics of your injury, you will commence a rehabilitation plan to facilitate the ankle healing process and optimise your short- and long-term outcomes. Regardless of the implemented management (surgical vs non-surgical), your rehabilitation plan should be closely monitored by a specialised medical team and structured in different environments based on your needs. In Isokinetic, we will support your recovery process by minimising your symptoms and recovering your mobility in the pool and gym, maximising your strength in the gym, optimising your movement quality in our movement analysis room, and bringing you back to sport after completing our on-field rehabilitation service to enhance your performance and reduce the likelihood of negative outcomes (e.g.: relapse, instability, etc.).
© 2012-2024 Isokinetic Medical Group Srl
P.Iva 03740671205 – Cap. Soc. Int. Vers. Euro 10.400 – Reg. Imp. n.03696800378 – R.E.A. n.309376