Only after a thorough medical examination and an accurate diagnosis is possible to start the customized therapeutic program to the type of herniation.
The first objective of rehabilitation is to reduce pain and regain mobility; at this stage of therapy are important: massage therapy, relaxant for paravertebral and hip flexors, the physical non-invasive therapy (TENS, laser, hyperthermia), the elongation of the anterior muscle chain with selective exercises for the hamstrings and especially the recovery global postural in the pool, with exercises in exhaust to stimulate the control of the position of the pelvis and legs, and safely recover the daily movement.
After the symptoms of radicular pain have disappeared and straight leg raise (medical test) is negative, you can proceed to muscle recovery in the gym with selective toning exercises of the abdominal (transverse), quadriceps, the core muscles of the buttocks with the objective to create a natural corset that stabilizes the spine during movement.
Once you have achieved excellent control and muscle strength is useful to conclude the rehabilitation cycle with some sessions on the sports field, with exercises on unstable platforms, Bobath balls for the recovery of vestibular function and spatial perception, for a smooth and safe resumption of sports and everyday practice.