The therapeutic protocol in both cases is similar, the only difference consists in the timing of healing. The primary objective of the rehabilitation program is to reduce muscle tension and pain, through physical therapies such as laser, TENS, massage therapy and hyperthermia decontracting lumbar paraspinal, quadratus lumborum, iliopsoas myofascial and reflexology piriformis.
Reduced muscle contracture it is possible to recover the motion and mobility through muscle stretching of the adductors, the psoas, gluteus, hamstrings and TFL; as soon as possible, it is useful to perform aerobic activity permitted (walking on treadmill, elliptical) but only after the postural correction of the spine, spoiled by analgesic contractions and incorrect attitudes acquired over time.
Once the pain is reduced you can begin the most important phase of the Protocol that of muscle toning, through exercises for the transversus abdominis, gluteus, quadriceps, rectus abdominis, obliques and core muscles. You will be proposed isometric exercises at first and gradually will be included elements to improve control and the difficulty as Bobath and unstable platforms balloons.
The rehabilitation program ends with the last stage, on the field, with exercises to restore vestibular function and perception of the body and the technical specifications according to the fundamental rule of the sport practiced.