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Conference 2024


Where you return to play.

We are an international Medical Group for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of sports and orthopaedics injuries.


Isokinetic is a specialist Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Group, recognised as FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, and a reference point in the orthopaedic and sports rehabilitation sectors. About 200 people work together in the Isokinetic network, sharing the same values ​​and acting as a team, with the common goal, since 1987, to seek daily excellence on the patient and with the commitment to provide the best possible care. A group that consistently benchmarks the results of its work, both internally within the network as well as with the international medical community. The power of innovation is found in the strategic positioning of its “Education and Research Department” at the heart of the Isokinetic system.

How can we help you?

Prescribed treaments

Recent injury


Chronic injury

Who is taking care of you

Roberto Acquaviva

Managing Director

Jacopo Gamberini


Annalisa Mariani


Roberto Acquaviva

Claudio Bassi

Federica Zanotti

Mariya Mihaylova

Martina Ruggeri

Our Services




Functional Tests



Green Room


Isokinetic Family


📹✨Oggi in Isokinetic Bologna la seconda giornata di test pre-stagionali per gli atleti @acreggiana1919 💪⚽️

This year we brought you to the Congress thanks to the competition that took place in our clinics. ✨ Many of you participated and one patient from each clinic (along with a companion) joined us in Madrid. 🇪🇸✈️ It was an enriching experience, which allowed you to touch a side of your clinic that you normally don’t see. 👐😊

🏥 Siamo un Gruppo Medico specializzato nella prevenzione, diagnosi, cura e riabilitazione degli infortuni ortopedici e sportivi. Con una delle nostre cliniche situata a  Rimini, siamo qui per supportarti nel tuo viaggio verso la guarigione!

💪 Dopo una prima visita medica, progettiamo un piano riabilitativo personalizzato solo per te. Il nostro team dedicato tiene d’occhio i tuoi progressi, fornendo la guida e il supporto necessari per aiutarti a raggiungere il tuo obiettivo finale: ripristinare la tua salute e tornare a fare ciò che ami.

🌟 Siamo al tuo fianco in ogni fase del percorso, pronti ad aiutarti a rimetterti in forma e a recuperare il tuo stile di vita attivo. Unisciti a noi in questo viaggio di trasformazione!

🏥 We are a specialised Medical Group focused on preventing, diagnosing, treating and rehabilitating orthopaedic and sports injuries. With one of our clinics situated in beautiful Rimini, we are here to support you on your journey to recovery!

💪 After an initial medical consultation, we design a personalised rehabilitation plan just for you. Our dedicated team keeps a close eye on your progress, providing the necessary guidance and support to help you achieve your ultimate objective: restoring your health and getting back to doing what you love.

🌟 We’re by your side every step of the way, ready to help you get back in shape and reclaim your active lifestyle. Join us on this transformative journey!


Request an Appointment or ask for more information
